POST-WORLD WAR II (1945-1965)

Architecture styles include-


  • Ranch- characterized as long, narrow, single-story homes with low-pitched roofs, simple floor-plans, usually rectangular, L-shaped or U-shaped, with large windows and sliding glass doors, and little decorative detailing.
  • Post & Beam- simple construction characterized by vertical posts and horizontal beams which support the house, often the structural elements are left exposed and incorporated into the aesthetic detailing of the home.
  • Mid-century Modern- characterized by large glass windows, flat planes, and open spaces—emphasize integration with the natural surroundings of the home.
  • Minimal Traditional- one-story + attic with minimal decorative detail, low or moderately-pitched roofs with minimal eaves, side-gables and front gables, often with the front door centered underneath.
  • Contemporary- many variations fall under this category, but they often feature open floor-plans with minimal doors and walls, more regional charater than modern, and integration with nature.